Sunday 12 February 2012

Daniel Abraham: being crude and rude

WE have decided to leave the hat characters behind and go for a more sexually shocking theme. So i decided to first look at some offensive ad campaigns to get some fresh ideas, because I'm still in silly hat character mode. I've started to realize just by looking at offensive adverts some are very offensive but you cant help but laugh, then others are just completely unnecessary. I find pretty much anything funny, but sometimes i know where to draw the line. All adverts I've looked at i find funny, but some are more offensive than others, for example:

    Here is an add for a magazine, the ad is implying that their mag is so good that you won't pay attention to anything else. I find this to be genius but it is about an extremely sore subject, so naturally it never saw the light of day. 

Here is an amusing Coca-Cola ad, the communicates to the blind and death at the same time, however even though it is amusing to people with use of both seances, the framing device is still the blind and deaf which isn't really an image the company wants to associate with themselves, so the advert was banned. 

      Here is the type of humor I love, the type where if you get the joke, you shouldn't be offended because you were dirty enough to make the assumption, i might end up doing something like this for my viral.

Here is an ad that i find funny, but the situation feels a little more forced so i don't think it communicates quite as well.  

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