Tuesday 7 February 2012

Mathew Voyce - early ad ideas

Here are some of my ideas i created for posters and web adverts a few weeks ago when we started to come up with themes and ideas for DECE. Some are self explanatory and others need some more detail to show what i mean, but I've got a good range of ideas and we will have to see how it goes as we start to concentrate on a specific campaign plan. 
 I was thinking of having a cloud made of scarfs and hats which would then block out the word DECE above. The cloud would come out of a run down home set in Romania, the image would look similar to this but obviously in the theme above http://matvoyce.tumblr.com/post/11738281462/an-image-i-created-for-red-bull-as-part-of-an. 
 This was a plan to have the head and body of one of the Romanian women workers made from the products they create, kind of like the washing powder adverts where the people are made from fabric. 
 This is one of the trained workers creating a scarf if their home, in which this is floating along and producing the brand name.
 A large ball of wool, which has arms of wool appearing off of it showing what products they have to offer and using one to display the logo. 
 I thought this would be brilliant for a web banner or ad, using this as the screen the clothes would appear from under the DECE sign. This would be a clickable link which would take you to the website to show what was producing the clothes under the sign. 
I wanted to try and draw an idea where you could see the world or even a world map. On this map Romania would be made from a material like the wool they use of even appear to be the texture of those said materials. 
 This is a simple image of a skiing launching themselves off of a snow ramp with the word DECE whistling behind them to get the theme and brand name on the same piece. 
  Another image like the previous, a snowboarder sliding over a rail which has the brand name under neither looking rather wintery. 
 Again an extreme sports image showing a theme, logo or brand name and sport type. 

This is image is suppose to be of a birds eye view of a snowboarder jumping off of a ramp in the snow doing a summersault. I thought this would look brilliant if used with a fish eye lens to see the perspective of where they are. You would be able to see the boarders face clearly and the DECE hat they would be wearing.  Here are a few examples..

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