Wednesday 22 February 2012

Mathew Voyce - Existing apps

So when i was planning to create the mobile phone app for the iphone i had to look into existing apps that are in the market now, there are hundreds of different apps with many different features. I had to find out what exactly would be needed for the app, what pages would be on it and how you could interact with it. So i decided on a set few items that would make the app successful and user friendly. Here are the pages i decided upon to put into the visual creation of the app:
Home screen
A photo map page - showing where people have taken photos of the products, in which you can use the map like google maps, zoom in and view in detail maps. Icons appear on the map which you can click on and view photos that have been tagged with people wearing DECE products.
The photo upload and tagging page-this has links on for Facebook and twitter pages, also links to the Instagram and DECE website pages. 
Model and photo page-This is the page that has the information on about DECE, who they are, what they do and how they came about. 
Website-The page links straight to the website where you can view products and possibly buy them to. 
Here are some photos of existing apps that are used for clothing brands : 

All of the apps use a basic layout with icons and page links that you can click onto which take you to another part of the app. Here is how the final app page looks, i used the same theme as the website and current branding theme. There are several pages and different layouts which are used to guide you around the media. 

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