Friday 3 February 2012

Daniel Abraham:Going back into research a little.

I thought it would be a good idea before going after a firmly grounded idea for the viral to just have a look at what kind of art style is preferred among skaters, surfers, snowboarders ect. When looking for a particular style to go alongside snowboarders it really is a minefield of different designs, mainly on the snowboards themselves.
Some are incredibly edgy like this one with Micheal Jackson on it at the last supper. 

Some are incredibly colorful and are more heavily stylistic than others.

Some are a little strange and seem like someone who is smoking the green stuff has designed them. 

 Others are just straight forward tits and ass. 

While i was trolling Google images for snowboard art, i came across an artist who seems to be popular within the skating crowd called Jim Phillips, his unique style looks reminiscent of old Beano comic books. With overly exaggerated faces, gore, thick harsh lines and colour creates a style we could adopt within our own design choices. 


However as i said earlier this got me thinking about the art style that would best fit our brand, so i chose three different styles inspired by what i have seen so far and to then show the rest of my group. 

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