Wednesday 22 February 2012

Mathew Voyce - If only there was more time..

If there had been more time i would have loved to of been able to develop the idea of producing a set of skis or snowboards to go into production. There is a different range of boards, there are the board with the models face on, i have made a range of boards with different parts of her face on, ranging from the mouth all the way up to the top of the head. I would have done the same with the skis if i could have more time. I have also created two boards that are different, one showing the banner, giving you all the information of the brand, like the strap line and logo and QR code. Then the other is just a plain board with a contrasting effect, using blue on the underside but then with the black and white DECE logo against it on the bottom. 

Mathew Voyce - One last long poster

Here is the last long poster i designed using one of the photos from our photo shoot, Again its a simple design, using the same banner as before keeping within the theme throughout our campaign. 
This was one of my favourite landscape posters because firstly it features more than one person in, so theres more than one style of hat in the image. There is also a bigger indication of the location as you can see its rural and rough like a building site or run down area. The logo banner fits perfectly along the bottom not blocking out any of the image 

Mathew Voyce - Final phonebox ads

The three images hear are the final visuals and designs for phonebox advertisements. There is only one problem with one of the images, because of the orientation of the text and banner the construction of the phone box blocks out the writing so you cannot see the 'BE A' out of the strap line.  I think they are effective and most defiantly eye catching, promoting our brand and giving off the perfect vibe.

Mathew Voyce - Club poster / partnership

Whilst thinking of possible ways to advertise a concept appeared in front of me when i was sitting in my room looking at all the posters for clubs in Sheffield.

 I have thought about using a club in sheffield to advertise our campaign, the main ideas behind this is that the club would be in partnership with DECE. They would advertise the logo and brand on the posters for the club nights. This would then spread the word for people in the target market from between 18 and 30, people who are club goers and attend nights out in town. The clubs staff would wear the hats during the night and their shifts, they could also be an official vendor of the brand, selling the hats at the bar at night during the events. 
Ive used a club called paris just as an example. This is how the advertisements would look, thew poster would be standard and custom to their designers, but then at the bottom the banner would appear to show the brand and the QR code taking you to the products. 

Mathew Voyce - Teasers with scrap paper

Here are the new designs for the teaser posters which feature the logo, QR code and the new tag line logo "Handmade. Sports. Fashion." Again this was to advertise the brand, but not to reveal what it is entirely as they would have been released in more commercial places to build interest and public knowledge of DECE.

Mathew Voyce - Teaser and phonebox

These again are two examples without the scrap paper theme, there is a teaser poster which would lead you to the brand or website and then the original phonebox image on a phonebox. 

Mathew Voyce - Finals without the scrap paper effect

Here are some finals i created without the scrap paper theme just to see how they looked with out it. I think they work really well but are still a little plain. The beauty of the theme we are going with is that it is applicable to almost any photo as you can just place it in at the bottom or top to advertise the brand. I think the photos work perfectly for our campaign, they do exactly what we need them to and are not to over powering and not to under stimulating. 
 Here is an idea for a billboard poster, it would present you with the idea of the brand and give you the information you need, strap line and tag line plus showing the hat which indicates it is for hats and clothing of that style. 
  A slimmer version of the poster, may fit onto boards better as the previous was rather tall and thick.
  An example of the image on a billboard..

  This is the style of poster i would have used for clear view boxes or bus stop advertisements. 

 Example of two long posters.

I thought this style could be used on phonebox's as they are not to blinding and have a layout where nothing will be blocked by the phonebox's structure.

Mathew Voyce - Bathroom and club mirror advertising

So after brainstorming into different ways to advertise i have come up with the idea to use bathrooms in clubs and public places to advertise the brand and the clothing.
The idea came when i looked in the mirror wearing one of my own hats, i thought it would be great if there was a way people could see what they would look like wearing the hats before actually buying them but to also advertise them at the same time. I thought i could make an advert that could be on the mirror in public toilets or even club toilets, this could be two or three images of hats stuck onto the mirror so when you stand in front of it you can see how they would look on you. I printed and cut out a version of one of the DECE hats and stuck it to a mirror and the idea worked quite well. I also thought we could give out these cut outs like masks which then also lead me onto another idea i will talk about later. 
Like this, just using a poster as an example of a person. I looked for images of club toilets or even public toilets as i thought this would be the perfect place to advertise to our target market. I found two images i thought would work well with the advert to produce these visuals.

Then i decided to select two of the hat products from DECE to use on the mirror :

Finally i found and altered the banner that had been created by someone to place into the image:

Mathew Voyce - The paper and theme

So the theme is to use scrap brown paper as the main reoccurring colour scheme. 

So this is what i will need to keep in mind when preparing and creating my visuals, they will need to have this visual theme and have the same type of ripped paper. I really like the look of everything so far, its a great visual theme and has everything we need to make our campaign feel more earthy and less mainstream like these for example:

Mathew Voyce - Post branding and tag line..

So we have the strapline and campaign idea sorted :
Be A Part Of It
Handmade. Sports. Fashion. 
Now i have my plans and ideas its time to start creating visuals and ideas in which i can select from at the end of the campaign planning. If myself and Brendon can create a wide range of ideas and visuals we will have more to choose from in the end when it come to presenting and pitching to the client. 

Mathew Voyce - We have the photos!

So the photo shoots are done and we have the photos to use for the adverts. The work can finally commence and the ideas can finally come to a real form. There is such a wide range of photos available to use for the adverts, so I am going to select the photos i think are best and start to build visuals for public viewing. 
Here are some of the photos i think are perfect for the visuals in our campaign..

Mathew Voyce - Existing apps

So when i was planning to create the mobile phone app for the iphone i had to look into existing apps that are in the market now, there are hundreds of different apps with many different features. I had to find out what exactly would be needed for the app, what pages would be on it and how you could interact with it. So i decided on a set few items that would make the app successful and user friendly. Here are the pages i decided upon to put into the visual creation of the app:
Home screen
A photo map page - showing where people have taken photos of the products, in which you can use the map like google maps, zoom in and view in detail maps. Icons appear on the map which you can click on and view photos that have been tagged with people wearing DECE products.
The photo upload and tagging page-this has links on for Facebook and twitter pages, also links to the Instagram and DECE website pages. 
Model and photo page-This is the page that has the information on about DECE, who they are, what they do and how they came about. 
Website-The page links straight to the website where you can view products and possibly buy them to. 
Here are some photos of existing apps that are used for clothing brands : 

All of the apps use a basic layout with icons and page links that you can click onto which take you to another part of the app. Here is how the final app page looks, i used the same theme as the website and current branding theme. There are several pages and different layouts which are used to guide you around the media.